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What we have raised & bought for the school

Some of products we have bought are shown below.....

Fabulous new SPORTS EQUIPMENT ready to use in September 2023 including 2 new goals worth £1,500 that came from a successful grant application, well done Mani!

5 Volunteer days throughout the year in which we painted the train, picnic benches & flower beds, planted flowers, tidied the sunken gardens & cut back overgrown bushes. Thanks to all the volunteers both children and adults that came along to help.

The adventure playground and gazebos are now fully repaired and updated, fences and bark have all been replaced over the last few months. Thank you to our fab caretaker Steve Blethyn who has worked hard to make this all happen.

Fab afternoon out for some of the year 3/4/5/6 Radstock kids at todays Cross Country event 28/09/23. It was also the 1st time to use the new event flag that you will see at school and FOR events…

New speakers first used at the sports days in June & July
The FOR shed constructed last Oct/Nov which is now filled with extremely useful equipment and boxes full of 'very important stuff' to make all our events happen and to sell from!!! Thanks to Steve B for taking down the old shed and constructing the new one for us.

50 bags of compost from our successful application at the RE3 recycling scheme. Well done Cristina! Thanks also to all those that helped collect the bags. So far the compost has been used for a nursery project and the whole school to grow radishes.

Total raised 2022/2022
Funds went towards buying these items
i pads
Funds went towards buying these items
i pads
Funds went towards buying these items
country flags in the hall
new October 2022

Funds went towards buying these items
FOR helped to buy these items along with parents to thank the teachers
Funds went towards buying these items
Supporting Students
Funds went towards buying these items
Science kits
Funds went towards buying these items
New play tents
September 2022
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