Meet our team
Fun, Fundraising & Friends
Did you know that FOR had a relaunch in the summer of 2022 and last year we raised over £15K for the school!!! This means that it’s an exciting time to be involved with FOR. It had been a tough few years for FOR. Our main way to raise funds is through events and due to covid it wasn’t possible to have as many events as usual. The committee had also lost many of it’s long standing volunteers as their children left Radstock. We have really got things back on track with a strong committee and loads of new planners and helpers. We do have some new faces on the committee this year and are looking for more volunteers. Please help us make a difference and consider getting involved. If you’d like to find out more please contact for@radstock.wokingham.gov.uk or volunteer on the whattsapp groups.
Key Team Members
Fun, Fundraising & friends
Below ae people who have been key in planning and organising some of our fab events in the last year.