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Events notice board - Upcoming events & News
Thanks to for our FREE charity banner! This will be our new noticeboard, look out for it with information about upcoming events on the school shed in the playground!!
Woooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!!! The £1000 target has been smashed. Our final total is £1080.05!!!!! This is just brilliant!!
This is how we reached the total.....over £200 in our 1st week!!! Week 2 over £250!! Week 3 over £350!! Week 4 almost £450!! Week 5 over £525!! Week 6 over£675!! Week 7 over £750!! Week 8 over £850!!!! Week 9 over £950!!! This promotion by Asda is amazing!!!
Thank you to everyone who opted in, you all earned us £1 each, even if you didn't shop!!!
Please, please, PLEASE sign up to the Asda Cashpot app and opt in (choosing Radstock as your nominated school obviously!!)
We got £1 for everyone who opted in, which means, if every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, family friend and member of staff signs up we will get well over £1000 before anyone even goes shopping!!!!!
In a year when we have some challenges to our funding this could give the school a fabulous boost without costing any of us a penny!!
Recent Events
Orders are now being processed and will be sent to school in a few weeks time.
For every item sold school receives a 20% donation back. Thank for supporting FOR and school with your purchases.
All Events from Sept 2023 - July 2024
Recent Events
Goodbye and good luck Mr have been an FOR Superstar! The Elf costume has been given back so now time to find a new willing teacher volunteer...! Also goodbye to our year 6 parent helpers Seema, Sarah P, Vanessa & Sarah R.xx
All Events from Sept 2022 - July 2023
Fun, Fundraising & Friends
Joining FOR is a great way to get involved with the school. By volunteering you can meet other parents, make new friends and do something very worthwhile for our amazing school. There are so many ways to get involved for example, 1 hour a month helping at events, designing posters at home, planning the events or helping tidy up the school (weeding, painting etc). We know everyone is very busy and so whatever you can offer would be gratefully received. No minimum commitment is required.
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